Wednesday, November 20, 2019

New home for my art

It's been a while since I've posted, but I've not been idle.  Going forward I'll be placing my work here:

You can flip between the different galleries once you're there.  Eventually I'll be adding loads of photographs from various travels.

Thanks to everyone who checked out my art; hope you come see some more!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Bedtime Tails

Found an old sketch that I liked and already had my first smaugust piece done so why not.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


This is an idea I've had bouncing around my head for years now: a young dragon being enticed by the flame he's not yet able to create.  Made the initial sketches months ago from photos that I found (not something I'd do if I were to monetize this piece) and when #smaugust rolled around again, I decided to try and finish it. 

Feel like I could spend more time rendering it, but really everything I wanted to show is present and readable.  Baby is cutely fascinated, the environment is sparse and atmospheric, and momma is looming with her own fire abilities clearly hinted at.

Also just discovered how to make GIF files, so I can show my process from pen drawing to final painting.


Was reading LotR this spring and while I'm not that big a fan of the books, they do have a ton of imagery to them.  Sat down to read Two Towers one Saturday and got inspired about 3 pages into my reading so I photobashed 7 or 8 images from our mini-honeymoon to Beaver's Bend state park.  Spent another 30 hours painting over the top of that to get the final image.