Monday, March 25, 2013

Finished with the first class

So my 3 point scene isn't as good as my 2 point in my opinion, but I swore to post it.  Looking forward to the break now that my technical class is over.  Going to work on some personal pieces and try a couple of the workshops that CGMA offers. 

Looking forward to Dynamic Sketching I starting up in April.  I also have some sketchbook drawings that may get scanned in and posted.  Our zoo trip last week gave me a few good pages worth.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Targaryans would be proud

My finalized 2pt piece.  Doing a lot of line drawing for this term and the next two (Dynamic Sketching coming up, really excited), but at some point in the future I'd like to take several of these drawings and paint them up.  Coming up with a lot of material lately.  Which is the positive of actually doing a class instead of my previous attempts to self-teach.  Having homework due makes me get it done.

Enjoy this on your way into spring.  Pretty stoked for that too.

Since a few people didn't know, I'll mention you can enlarge any of the images on my blog simply by clicking on them.  This one deserves it for sure.  Lots of little details and even a handful of easter eggs.